Get upto 1.25% on our Investment Accounts with Demerara Bank.

    Account Type

    *Select Primary Account
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    *Select Currency for Foreign Currency Accounts

    Account Details

    *Purpose of Account
    *Source of Funds

    Customer Information

    *Company’s Registered Name
    *Company No.
    *Date of Incorporation
    *Date Operation Commenced

    *Nature of Business
    *Head-Quarters / Subsidiaries / Branches

    Registered Address

    *Lot/Apt & Street
    Zip/Postal Code

    Contact Details

    *Contact Person

    Financial Information

    *Average Monthly Income (GY$)
    *Expected Monthly Deposit (GY$)
    *Signing Instructions

    Upload Required Documents (jpeg/jpg/pdf files)

    *Upload Primary Identifications for all Directors, Company Secretary & Ultimate Beneficial Owners
    *Upload TIN Certificates for all Directors, Company Secretary & Ultimate Beneficial Owners

    *Upload TIN Certificate (for the company)
    *Upload Recent Proof of Address (for the company)

    *Upload Recent Proof of Address for all Directors, Company Secretary & Ultimate Beneficial Owners
    *Upload Certificate of Incorporation and Previous year audited financial statements and/or annual report, or in the event of a new company, the projected financial statements.

    *Upload Memorandum and Articles of Association and Constitution or By Laws of the Company.

    Upload Tax Compliance Certificate (for entities existing more than 1 year)
    Upload Regulatory Permits/Licences/Franchise/Agency Agreements (if applicable).

    *Upload Notice of Director(s), Secretary and registered office.
    *Upload Consent to act as Director(s) and Secretary.

    *Resolution of Directors or excerpt from minutes of meeting of the Directors (on letterhead) when the decision was taken to establish a banking relationship with Demerara Bank Ltd.

    *Letter (on the Company’s Letterhead) Requesting Chequing Account (Stating the purpose of the account, brief description of the business operation and indication of the signatories).

    *Two Letters of References for the Chequing Account from reputable entities or individuals (not relatives) or from a bank.

    *Letter (on the Business’s Letterhead) Signed by the Registrants/Partners/Owners and Addressed to the CEO Requesting the Account (Stating the purpose of the account, brief description of the business operation and indication of the signatories).

    *Letters of reference addressed to the CEO, recommending the opening of the account. One reference must be from the entity’s bankers overseas or the current bankers recommending the business. Additionally, a character reference must be provided for each of the registrants to the business and these will be accepted from reputable entities or individuals, preferably from persons who are close business associates of the entity or from a Bank.

    Have you ever had or currently have an account with Demerara Bank?